Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello everyone!

Welcome back and thank you for checking out my blog! Last post I mentioned Leo was off from school for a couple weeks, well his vacation is over! As of this morning he is back at school for the summer session! He did so well, he got up and had some breakfast; I put his clothes together and helped him get ready, brushed his teeth, and he wore his new favorite Toy Story baseball cap to school. He looked so cute! I was afraid he would get nervous or cry like the first couple of days last session, but he didn’t! They helped him find the hook with his name on it, he hung up his backpack, then he went to take his seat and begin the activity they had set out for them on the table. I am so proud of him, I know he loves it and he is learning so much!
Also, my son Lamar is turning 2! Time is slipping away so fast! We are planning a backyard PICNIC PARTY!  Since it is warm enough I couldn’t wait to have an outdoor birthday party! Leo has also had birthday parties, but his birthday is in the middle of January, there’s just no way we could have outdoor parties. Anyways, we will have the grill going with hot dogs, sausages, and hamburgers; I’m making pasta, salads, and sandwiches. Were having chips, drinks and salsa. I’m putting sweet treats together like chocolate covered pretzel sticks, caramel dipped apples with and without nuts, chocolate covered strawberries, and cupcakes!  Were renting tables and chairs and we will host the party in our backyard patio and lawn. We will have a moon bounce for the kids to jump and play in all evening, and I’m putting games together like badminton, hula-hoops, chalk, jump-rope, and soccer, volleyballs and basketballs! I’m putting together some table decorations using empty glass jars. It’s going to be great I can’t wait!

I’ll take tons of pictures so everyone can see what I came up with for the theme, hand-made crafts, treats, display and decorations! I just joined the Hostess with the Mostess community, and I’ll be sharing some of my pictures on my profile as well. You can go to and check out party themes, decorations, crafts, recipes, free print-outs, and shop! If you have reached my blog from Hostess with the Mostess, THANK YOU FOR CHECKING ME OUT, and come back soon! If you are on HWTM and would like to “favorite” me as a member you can look for Ady Nuñez, or display name: adynunezevents. I love this site and blog,, they have great themes and inspirations for ANY party or celebration. Everyone stop by!
I hope everyone is happy and healthy and are enjoying the great weather with the people that matter… it’s these memories that we have left from experiences that make us who we are. Materials and money come and go, but they don’t last forever. Memories last a lifetime! Everyone be safe and take care of your loved ones.


Ady Nuñez

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